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Friday, November 6, 2009

A Poem to my FORM 5 Students

The little monsters who I have known for years,
Have always been burning my nerve,
Your learning attitude is worse,
And sometimes you guys are adorable but weird.

Coming to class early is a miracle,
Attending the extra class is unbelievable,
Completing the task in class is incredible,
Listening attentively in class is unthinkable.

But, showering you with love and care,
Is a worthwhile thing we share,
Influencing you with thoughts and words,
Is a priceless act I serve.

You guys will be graduating soon,
Be prepared with the real world,
Overcoming the obstacles and challenges,
Be strong and be humble,
For the people and the nation,
Good luck, my dear students!

Written by: Alex Oct 09