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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Saddened by my students

It was the first time i became a form teacher and the moment i knew this news, my mind kept tellin me that i have to get ready with all kinds of challenges! Yes, indeed. I have been facing them!

I wonder why when other students from other classes could pay the yuran but half of my students couldn't. I wonder why they will keep tellin me the never end "next week".

I wonder why they can't cooperate with the class leaders when the leaders are just doing their duties. I wonder why they seldom clean the class when the Duty Roster is pasted in front of the class.

I wonder why some of them will go over to other students' seats and never heed my advice. I wonder why they will sometimes forget to bring this and that...
There are so many other wonders in my class. God Bless!
I shouted loudly at them today although my anger did not rise. As a teacher, my duty is to bring joys to students and they learn when their anxiety level is low and the tiredness is reduced.

When students call me "teacher",i always think what can i "GIVE" when anyone shows me the respect. They are just like my little sisters and children. Although i was quite sad about what happened in my class, however, the bonding of ours can be tightened in near future- I HOPE!