saturday is normally the busiest day for me as i have to teach one karate class and 3 tuition classes. i am working from 10am till 730pm, non stop!
Well, anyway, although it is tiring,i enjoy my job as an educator. This morning, one of my karate studetns asksed me "Ei sensei, why not the other sensei would have gone for the speech? Why would you be the one to give the speech?" During June this month, i was in charge of a karate tournament alongside with ministry of youth and sports. I was the person in charge of it, then my sensei asked me to give a talk during the closing ceremony of the tournament.
i was stunned by what my student said just now. Well, perhaps, she thinks that i cant fit to give the talk where there is other better people who can do it. Maybe, she thinks that i am not eligible enough to do so. After a few minutes, then i told the whole class that not everyone will have the chance to do public speaking in front of so many people. only those who are capable can be called.
Whatever it is, i do not bear this on mind. Today, i gave two gifts to Angel and Kai Qiu who are going to sit for upsr next week. i am not sure whether they like it or not, but, anyway, i hope that they will get good results in their examinations.
Em, pau ek and cindy asked about their kfc just now as i promised to treat them to kfc if they scored more than 80% in their english. Well, i am very happy that they got more than 80%. i have been thinking of treating them to enjoy the meal but i have been short of money recently.
Well, i lost two form 5 students this month and two form 1 students this month too. that means my salary will reduce RM160...this is big money for me as i need to take care of my daily expenses, bus fares, taxi fares, eat, drink, photocopy, on and so forth.
Wow.... I dont know how to say lah.... I am indeed quite poor recently!! But i will never say die to my fate...i will work harder. maybe i am not a good teacher that is why i lost 4 students this month.
Anyway, i will try to be a good teacher as i am always trying to be! However, if i have some money left next week, i will buy Ferrero Rocher for these two cute and clever students!!
Besides, Ferlin and happy plus did quite good for their vocabulary tests. Ferlin got 84.5 and Happy plus got 80%. They really studied hard for it. Congrats them! Next week is form5 students' pre spm exam. I do hope that they can get resutls:-)
Well, anyway, although it is tiring,i enjoy my job as an educator. This morning, one of my karate studetns asksed me "Ei sensei, why not the other sensei would have gone for the speech? Why would you be the one to give the speech?" During June this month, i was in charge of a karate tournament alongside with ministry of youth and sports. I was the person in charge of it, then my sensei asked me to give a talk during the closing ceremony of the tournament.
i was stunned by what my student said just now. Well, perhaps, she thinks that i cant fit to give the talk where there is other better people who can do it. Maybe, she thinks that i am not eligible enough to do so. After a few minutes, then i told the whole class that not everyone will have the chance to do public speaking in front of so many people. only those who are capable can be called.
Whatever it is, i do not bear this on mind. Today, i gave two gifts to Angel and Kai Qiu who are going to sit for upsr next week. i am not sure whether they like it or not, but, anyway, i hope that they will get good results in their examinations.
Em, pau ek and cindy asked about their kfc just now as i promised to treat them to kfc if they scored more than 80% in their english. Well, i am very happy that they got more than 80%. i have been thinking of treating them to enjoy the meal but i have been short of money recently.
Well, i lost two form 5 students this month and two form 1 students this month too. that means my salary will reduce RM160...this is big money for me as i need to take care of my daily expenses, bus fares, taxi fares, eat, drink, photocopy, on and so forth.
Wow.... I dont know how to say lah.... I am indeed quite poor recently!! But i will never say die to my fate...i will work harder. maybe i am not a good teacher that is why i lost 4 students this month.
Anyway, i will try to be a good teacher as i am always trying to be! However, if i have some money left next week, i will buy Ferrero Rocher for these two cute and clever students!!
Besides, Ferlin and happy plus did quite good for their vocabulary tests. Ferlin got 84.5 and Happy plus got 80%. They really studied hard for it. Congrats them! Next week is form5 students' pre spm exam. I do hope that they can get resutls:-)