I am one of the techincals for the AUG for the karate-do event. I reached UKM, Kolej keris mas for the first time. Frankly, UKM is much smaller than UPM, and Upm is much prettier than UKM. Anyway, i got the single room. It is nice and comfortable.
i have been here since 9th December, my body condition has not been better. i am still sick and it goes without saying that i am tired. But i did not tell the committee that my body is not ok. I went to Pulapor "Pusat latihan polis Kuala Lumpur" and UIA "University Islam Antarabangasa" to carry 400 pieces of tatami for the karate tournament.
It is tiring, life has been tough but i do enjoy myself being one part of the AUG. I need to be in UKM untill 18th of December. Well, wish me luck:-) It will be very busy two days before the tournament and during the tournament. However, the experiences that i gain from this tournament is precious and priceless. I hope!