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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do tuition teachers teach better than School teachers?

It was indeed an amusing enconter when i was teaching a Form 1 class today. I am not going to touch the story in details but just to share with you something which is now a trend. A trend where people blindly believe that tuition teachers are more believable just because students pay.

When i was a student, I also joined some tuition classes and i did believe that tuition teachers can teach better. Another reason is probably because tuition teachers would explain everything in chinese and we understood clearly what teachers wanted to convey.

But, school teachers have language limitation. Take me for instance, i am not allowed to use chinese when i teach English. However, i sometimes do some translation in chinese to make sure that chinese students can understand. But chances of using English-Chinese are low.

Back to the story, a few cute sutdents of mine kept saying "No teacher, my tuition teacher said it is like this". They doubted my words and they looked unbelievable. From them, i could sense that they would rather choose to believe what tuition teacher has told. Interestingly, i told them that i am also a tuition teacher and a school teacher, i know the latest syllabus better. Lol... From their eyes, i could sense that they changed their perception.

School teachers are trained teachers, graduated from faculty of ecucational studies in University. They know the pedagogy and also the psychology, they know so many other skills in teaching that non school teacher's tuition teacher doesnt know. But it depends!

A teacher must not only know how to teach the subject matter, but also, a teacher's job is to influence, bring joys, lower students' anxiety level, give encouragements and etc. On the other hand, a teacher has to be a role model for students, influence students to think positively, and teach students how to live.

In short, now to me, tuition teachers or school teachers are similar. Both can be good facilitators if they really LOVE TEACHING:-)


jia er said...

For me,tuition is another matter,but school teacher can teach better than them although u do not allow to speak Chinese to us (Sometime la!)...But,u must know,although tuition teacher can teach them in Chinese language,but what the help their father and mother send them to there?They send them to there is want their children to learn more...But,if the tuition teacher teach them in Chinese,but the subject is in Malay,they only know the Chinese meaning.In the exam,also in Malay,not in Chinese!But,some of them they need Chinese meaning to understand what it is.Like me,I always go to tuition there and ask for the meaning as I know in the school my Malay teacher can't help me to transfer them in Chinese to me.
So,I think school teacher and the tuition teacher are the same!Because,when one do not understand one thing in the school,he can go to the tuiton centre to ask for the meaning or else...

GTA said...

Hi Jia Er,

Yeah! I quite agree with you and m happy that you are more sensible than many other. Hopefully, more people will think what you perceive:-)

jia er said...

Haha,thx for your praise...I think they might...

Ai Qi said...

Teachers in school know our learning level compare to tuition teacher,because in the tuition class got a lot of student. Tuition teacher cannot pay attention to every student in the class in a short period. Therefore I consider that school teachers are better than tuition teacher.

GTA said...

Hi Ai Qi,

Thanks for your comments. Tuition teachers can teach better when the class is limited to a small scale class where the number of students are restricted to 10-15 students. However, it depends on the capability of the teachers:-)

jia er said...

Tuition is actually very good for me,because I can get more knowledge outside the school ...School teacher had not the time to explain one by one,but the tuition teacher can...But,some school teacher explain very clearly...Somebody they had tuition,somebody they do not tuition,but the result is the same!So,I think the tuition is another matter for those who did not tuition...But, it depends on how hardworking the student is...As I know,tuition is good,but the school teacher is more good...:-)

GTA said...

Hi Jia Er,

Due to time constraint, i believe that students learn better in tuition class because the time is enough.Normally 2 hours at one shot where the teachers can explain things in details. At school, only 5 periods given a week and 5 periods divided by 3 days. So, it is not so effective to really get a teacher to impart the knowledge. However, like what you have mentioned, the effectiveness of learning depends on the students themselves.


Yen Thon said...

Whether tuition teacher or school teacher,but the important is how the students think about it...

GTA said...

Hi Yen Thon,

I thought you are busy selling chicken rice... Wa, got free time to give

Yeah, i agree with you:-)

jia er said...

Haha...:-)Why u alaways said that she sells chicken rice?If she sells chicken rice, u are the food of her shop...!(JUST A JOKE,DON'T ANGRY!)^-^

Yen Thon said...

Ya lo!I'm so busy,because many people want to eat you ma!haha...^^

jia er said...

No wonder that the chicken is so delicious!Now,I know what is the recipe already...Haha...^-^

GTA said...

Haha... Then you can be a lady boss already lo.. lol

jia er said...

Not now,but maybe when I grow up...Haha! said...

Sometimes, I will tell myself:"Why tution teacher can speak Chinese with us and then we cannot speak Chinese at school?"I think tuition teacher and school teacher also is my teacher.So, I cannot say who can teaching better. I don't care I want to speak which language at school or tuition centre, I must hardworking to learn every language .