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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Time flies way too fast,
It is now my BIG DAY once more,
Frankly, I don't have any kind of
special feeling towards it,
No Great Expectations!

All I know is it is the moment
for me to reflect what i have done
for the past whole year,
Be it spiritual or mental!
Be it sour or sweet!

I need to see through myself,
I need to check the real me,
I need to get to the bottom of it,
I need to search for a path towards greatness,
For my beloved family, students and friends!

Perhaps, i haven't done my best,
Perhaps, i am way too lazy in action,
Perhaps, i am too blurred in many things i do,
Perhaps, i am not being thoughtful and understanding,
I apologize from my inner heart!

Mum, Thanks for giving birth to me,
Mum, Thanks for bringing me up so patiently,
Mum, I appreciate your never ending love that showers me
constantly like a gigantic spotlight that warms my heart and soul,
You never breath a word in taking care of your sons and also your grandson. Thank you and LOVE YOU!

Manager, you have been my backbone all these while,
Manager, you have been the fulcrum in my life as i go through ups and downs,
Manager, you have been doing well as a crucial role in nurturing our prince,
We have gone through thick and thin, the path has not been smooth as expected,
Hand in hand, together we face everything in the years to come. LOVE YOU!

Friends and students are always part and parcel of my life,
Without you, life seems colorless,
Without you, life seems dull and meaningless,
Without you, life seems incomplete,
I appreciate you guys- For sure!

My bday wish is to wish all my family members, friends and students
a very lucky and fruitful future ahead! God Bless All:-)


Ihcezs | 湖北人 said...





GTA said...

Yeah, try to put your thoughts through words in English!

Thanks for the wish:-)

Anonymous said...

tell u a secret..i like to visit ur blog and read the articles that u write =)SO NICE

Siew Hui

GTA said...

Siew Hui,

Your blog is nice too.
You are a good blogger!
Keep blogging and keep expressing
yourself through words:-)

Baggy T-shirts & Shorts said...

Hi Senpai. It's true. We expect different things in life as we grow older. It used to be gifts, parties, celebrations, cards and etc that matters most when it comes to our birthday. At this age that we're in, it's more to achievement, happiness, good health, wealth and a happy family that we're hoping and praying for. May we all be blessed with whatever we wished for =)

GTA said...

Chun Li,

I can't agree more:-)